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Abstract expressionism, mixed media, acrylic, spraypaint, resin on canvas 90 x 120 cm in a silver 3D frame

Mixed Media on canvas 90 x 120 cm
Mixed Media on canvas 90 x 120 cm
abstract expressionism on canvas
abstract expressionism on canvas

PUNK, mixed media on canvas 80 x 80 cm. 

mixed media on canvas 80 x 80 cm Pop Art
mixed media on canvas 80 x 80 cm Pop Art
PUNK 80x80 mixed media/collage/epoxy
PUNK 80x80 mixed media/collage/epoxy


Abstract expressionism mixed media on canvas, 100 X 120 cm. Acrylic paint, spraypaint topped with resin in a silver 3D frame. 

Mixed media on canvas 100x120cm, finished with resin and silver frame.
Mixed media on canvas 100x120cm, finished with resin and silver frame.
abstract expressionism
abstract expressionism
finishing glossy resin layer
finishing glossy resin layer

My Celtic Lad,

symbolic art

A stunning depiction of a beautiful man executed in oil on canvas, embellished with gold foil and ancient symbolic art. The artwork features a Triquetra, a symbol of protection and the trinity representing earth, air, and water, or life, death, and rebirth. This is paired with an Ouroboros; an ancient Greek symbol (οὐροβόρος, meaning "tail-eater"), oneof the oldest mythical symbols in the world.
The Ouroboros appears in Celtic and Aztec mythology, Chinese mythology, and many other cultures. It depicts a snake or dragon biting its own tail, forming an eternal circle, symbolizing the cyclical nature of existence, eternal recurrence, and the unity of everything.
Additionally, the artwork includes a Celtic knot, which contains symbols believed to offer protection and ensure prosperity and luck. The entire piece is covered with a rich, thick layer of glossy resin, creating an almost 3D effect.

Mixed media on canvas 60x90cm
Mixed media on canvas 60x90cm

The Dancing Faun: Figurative Art with a Mythological and Surreal Twist
This piece is a depiction of an original found bust, dancing with excited fishes against a Greek-Persian style mosaic background. Dancing Faun (1st century CE), a lustful woodland creature and follower of Dionysos, the god of wine, lived freely in wild inebriation. Often depicted in frenzied states of music-making and dance, as here, with a chiseled body captured in rotating movement. 
What happens when you take Greek mythological statues and torsos from their safe environment and give them a surreal twist? Illuminated by gold leaf or surrounded by unusual creatures, their sensual appeal is enhanced in a colorful image. Ancient statues were often much more colorful than people now think....let's give some color back.
Oilpaint and gold leaf on canvas

the Dancing Faun oil on canvas 120x90cm
the Dancing Faun oil on canvas 120x90cm

A Midnight's Paradise: Figurative Art with Mythological Elements
A Midnight's Paradise
Oil and gold leaf on canvas. This artwork features a neatly chiseled Greek torso from an original found bust of the Greek period, illuminated by golden moonlight and surrounded by luminous birds of paradise in an enchanting leafy forest setting.

A Midnight's Paradise oil on canvas 120 x 90 cm.
A Midnight's Paradise oil on canvas 120 x 90 cm.

Dark Angel Golden shower

Figurative Art: Angelic Man in a Golden Rain
A free artwork depicting a man adorned with leather straps and an angelic aura under a golden rain. The piece captures the ethereal beauty and strength of the male figure, combining elements of grace and power. The intricate details of the leather straps and the golden rain create a mesmerizing and dynamic composition that draws the viewer in.

Dark Angel Golden shower 60 x 80 cm. oil/gold leaf on 3Dcanvas
Dark Angel Golden shower 60 x 80 cm. oil/gold leaf on 3Dcanvas

Menelaos and Patroclus: Figurative Art Inspired by Greek Mythology
Menelaos and Patroclus - oil on canvas, 120 x 90 cm.
The painting portrays the tragic death of Patroclus, deceived by Menelaus amidst the chaos of war. The scene is steeped in a mythical aesthetic, capturing the deep sorrow and betrayal woven into the story. Diagonal, dreamlike clouds streak the sky, creating a celestial atmosphere, their pink hues touched with gold radiating a sense of divine luminosity. This artistic ethereal dreamscape underscores the transcendence of mortal suffering, presenting Patroclus’s death as both heroic and heart-wrenching. The composition bridges the mortal and divine, immersing the viewer in a timeless narrative. The bright orange-pink background reappears in the frame, harmonizing elegantly with the purple tones of the composition, enhancing its sense of unity and divine majesty.

Menelaos & Patrocles 90 x 120cm.
Menelaos & Patrocles 90 x 120cm.

Paradiso: Memories of Beach Life on Naxos

It used to be normal to discover the world and meet people through long-distance flights and exciting encounters with new cultures and friends. However, a global pandemic, an international energy crisis, and a changing mindset about our interaction with the world and the climate are reshaping our lives. Is it still okay to fly everywhere? How do these changes affect our memories? Will we remember our experiences and friends, or will they fade away?
In the triptych Paradiso, I depict beach life on Naxos as it once was for me, now slowly fading like a snapshot in an old photo album. This series, oil on canvas, features a newly added third piece, with possibly more to come as my memories evolve. The background of these three paintings continues like an endless horizon when placed side by side.

Paradiso 1 including frame white 93x123 cm 2022
Paradiso 1 including frame white 93x123 cm 2022
Paradiso 2 including frame white 93x123 cm 2022
Paradiso 2 including frame white 93x123 cm 2022
Paradiso 3 including frame white 93x123 cm 2022
Paradiso 3 including frame white 93x123 cm 2022


Stunning Mixed Media Art on Canvas
Explore these captivating mixed media artworks featuring oil paint, spray paint, and collage techniques on canvas. Each piece is crafted using mixed techniques and topped with a thick layer of resin, giving it a glossy, almost 3D effect. These artworks are showcased on 3D canvas and elegantly framed in a black wooden 3D frame.
If size matters, all artworks come in 60 x 80 cm, except for Daniël, which measures 50 x 70 cm., and Andy 80 x 80 cm.

George including frame 64x84cm
George including frame 64x84cm
Tom including frame 64x84cm
Tom including frame 64x84cm
Marilyn including frame 64x84cm
Marilyn including frame 64x84cm
Debby including frame 64x84cm
Debby including frame 64x84cm
Steve 64x84cm is no longer available
Steve 64x84cm is no longer available
Daniel including frame 54x74cm
Daniel including frame 54x74cm
Graig including frame 64x84cm
Graig including frame 64x84cm
Yuri including frame 64x84cm
Yuri including frame 64x84cm
Charly not available
Charly not available
Andy Warhol, POLAROID mixed media 80x80cm
Andy Warhol, POLAROID mixed media 80x80cm


DECAY: Contradictions and Renewal in Figurative Art

DECAY: A story of contradictions, decay, and renewal, of beauty and old age. Four discarded and damaged frames, once showpieces in an authentic brown pub, found new life after being abandoned in a second-hand shop. Inspired by photos of walls covered with posters, this series explores the theme of old and new, decay and beauty.
The refurbished frames retain their age, with visible yet illegible texts painted on a background of torn pamphlets. Like a phoenix from the flames, four beautiful men, impeccable Dandys, emerge, unfazed by time's ravages. The paisley motif on the back of the paintings references the past. Finished with a thick layer of resin, the paintings seal the decay and beauty of the nineteenth-century men against time's ravages.
This series aims to show the ease with which we discard what is damaged, forgetting its past beauty and value. Restore that value, give it new allure, and honor its DECAY.

DECAY 1 not available
DECAY 1 not available
DECAY 2 not available
DECAY 2 not available
DECAY 3 not available
DECAY 3 not available
DECAY 4 not available
DECAY 4 not available

Dark Lights: Figurative Art in Oil on Canvas
Dark Lights is a captivating series in oil on canvas that explores different shades of dark combined with bright white to depict various men. This series delves into themes of lust, mystery, passion, and anger using a limited color palette. Each piece in the Dark Lights series showcases the emotional depth and complexity of the male form through the interplay of light and shadow.

 Oilpaintings 2017/2018

Vincent including frame black 83x103cm
Vincent including frame black 83x103cm
Michael including frame black 63x83cm
Michael including frame black 63x83cm
Danny 50x70cm
Danny 50x70cm
Yiorgos including frame 73x93cm
Yiorgos including frame 73x93cm
no longer available
no longer available


Men on Canvas: Figurative Art in Oil
Men on Canvas: Just average men, dressed or naked, depicted in oil on canvas. This series captures the essence of everyday men, showcasing their natural beauty and simplicity through the medium of oil painting. Each piece highlights the unique characteristics and individuality of the male form, whether clothed or nude.

oilpaintings from 2016 till now.


Naked man 120x180 cm
Naked man 120x180 cm
Tired Bob 70x90 cm
Tired Bob 70x90 cm
Backside 70x90cm not available
Backside 70x90cm not available


Hommage to Mum and Dad, oil on canvas 120 x 180 cm.

Mum is not for sale
Mum is not for sale
Dad is not for sale
Dad is not for sale

Let It Go: Inspired by Nelson Mandela's Poetry
Let It Go: A series of double-sided prints on aluminum (2 boards, 4 prints: 1A+B and 2A+B), inspired by a poem by Nelson Mandela. Originally created for an outdoor exhibition in Friesland Pingjum, this series explores themes of freedom, forgiveness, and renewal.

1A Don't change another 100x150
1A Don't change another 100x150
1B I do a thing called what I want 100x150cm
1B I do a thing called what I want 100x150cm
2A One day or Day one you decide 100x150 cm.100x150 cm
2A One day or Day one you decide 100x150 cm.100x150 cm
2B Why would you stay in the hell you live in100x150
2B Why would you stay in the hell you live in100x150